Boudoir Party Games

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Classic Truth or Dare

You just can't go wrong with classic Truth or Dare. The more ridiculous the questions and dares are, the better.

Tip to keep the game moving: In preparation for the party, send a request a few days early for 5 truths and 5 dares for the group. Collect them on pieces of paper to fold up and put in two jars to pull from. Including you, you'll end up with 30 truths and 30 dares. Add one or more dice to really keep it moving. On each person's turn, they don't get to pick. If they roll an even number, they pull from the "TRUTH" jar. If they roll and odd number, the pull from the "DARE" jar.

"Can't Say It" Truth or Dare

This can be combined with the premade truths and dares as explained above. Choose a word (or words) before the party starts that no one is allowed to say. Choose words that are likely to come up in normal conversation during the party, but not TOO common, like someone's name. One example could be that no one is allowed to say "pictures,." Announce the word to everyone upon arrival so that everyone can call out a guest who says that word (or words). When someone gets caught, they have to respond to a Truth or Dare.

Alternative play: Everyone is likely stepping out of their comfort zone during this party. Have each person choose a new alter ego name just for the party. All guests must address them with their new name and if anyone uses a real name, they roll the dice to pick a Truth or a Dare.

Game of Things

Each player writes their answer to a category on a piece of paper, which is folded up and put into a hat. For more fun, instead of using a hat, use stockings or a bra. Once the responses are collected, players take turns reading them. All players must guess who wrote the response.

Categories to Get Started

Things you've said to pick up a guy (or girl)

Things you'd never say to pick up a guy (or girl)

Things in your nightstand even your partner doesn't know about

Things you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet

5 Second Rule

Play in teams or individuals. One person reads a category and players take turns blurting out 3 things in that category within 5 seconds.

Categories to Get Started

Three things found in a bathroom

Three things you shop for in the produce section

Three things your partner does that you hate

Three countries (other than the United States)

Three things you'd buy at a toy store (Reader, DO NOT specify the type of toy store. This is part of the fun)

Purse Treasure Hunt

Who's in the group is Miss Perfect, and who is the bad girl? In preparation for the party, come up with a list of things that someone might be carrying in their purse. Randomly throughout the party, ring a bell, or tap a wine glass with a fork to get everyone's attention. Announce an item (lipstick, perfume, an old receipt, gum, mints, tissue) and anyone who has that item in their purse gets a point. The person with the most points at the end of the night is the winner. Items can be far more risque, if you know what we mean. If your group doesn't typically carry purses, make it a cell phone treasure hunt (who has their ex boyfriend's number in their contacts? Who has a certain app? Who has taken the most selfies in the past 24 hours? Who's not willing to show those selfies?).

Alternative play: Come up with 2 lists. One to find out who's Miss Perfect and one to find the bad girl. Alternate lists when you call out items.

Inside Out

As the host, decide on a prize for the winner. Could be something of value, or a piece of paper towel. It doesn't matter. The point is to have ridiculous fun with it.

It's a boudoir party, but before everyone gets dressed for photos, have the players stand in a circle facing each other. Give yourselves some room. On "Go," all players remove their bra without removing their shirt, then put it back on over their top.